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Saag’s Says It’s Time for a Picnic!

A surprise visit from the Farmer John Tailgater vehicle kicked off this festive picnic at Saag’s Products in San Leandro, Calif.

Saags location celebration group shot.resized

On May 16, approximately 100 people streamed out of the Saag’s plant to find a surprise waiting in the parking lot – the Farmer John Tailgater vehicle had come to join their 125th Anniversary picnic! Employees had come prepared to partake in the festivities by wearing their favorite Hormel Foods apparel, including a few new T-shirts featuring the anniversary logo.

Delicious food was served and enjoyed by all, followed by a huge cake to celebrate the quasquicentennial milestone of the company. Everyone loved the cake! But seriously, who wouldn’t?

Saags location celebration cake

A huge thank you to all of our awesome Saag’s Products employees!